The Centre Management screen a number of import functions that will influence what happens as a blanket across all your centres and also at an individual centre level.
This is how you get there:
1. After logging into your State Admin screen click on Centre Management
2. The Centre Management screen has the following options available
- Inactive Members - Do you allow inactive (registered but not yet paid) to be apart of the results entry? If this is set to No then their names won't be on the recording sheets or in the results entry screens.
- Prior Season Numbers - Do you want the prior season numbers to be used for returning athletes (keep their number from last year)? ...more
- The season for numbering reference - If so turn this option on and select the relevant season those numbers will be sourced from for that returning athlete. Note if in current season 2018/19, then you will want to select the 2017/18 season for this...more
- Bulk Registration activation - You can blanket turn on a returning member only or returning and new members for a group of centres.
- Registration status - This lets you see if individual centres have their registrations turned on and which type of registration too.
- Bulk Numbering Status - If you have the Automated state allocated numbering enabled this status will be visible in here
- Centre Specific Actions - Actions will let you either map the McDonalds Points (Litke Athletics Queensland), member Transfer and Centre Details
- Manage Age Mapping - will let you determine when an age group starts and finishes. E.g. U5 age group is anyone who is 4years and 5 months or older.
- Number allocation Report - Relating to the #7 and Centre Details where you have set up a batch of numbers for a centre, this view numbering Allocation is a report that lets you see the all the centres and what numbers you have allocated and how many are left in that batch per centre
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