Place points allocate points to athletes based on their ranking within their age group for a particular event.
To adjust you place points:
1. From within your ResultsHQ profile, select Setup - Points from the top menu
2. Click on Place
3. The set up of place points has 3 criteria:
- Division - the default is None, the other division options will only let you select them if you have a program in your calendar that is using that division already. This is covered in the Advanced setup option. The Division category is normally only needed for school carnivals with the various levels of competitors with different levels of place points
- Place & Points - This is where you set the values for place X gets Y points. You can also edit/update or deletes these
To set up your place points simply enter a place and the associated points to that place in the blank fields at the top of form, then press Save Changes.
4. Keep entering place and points until you reach the minimum points level.
Example: Below displays place points that will award to the top 8 athletes in each event. If your system involves participation points outside the top x places then a combination of attendance and place points would be recommended. Attendance points for all participants and extra points for placing = total points.
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