ResultsHQ Nominations enable you to set up a meet and invite participants from either your own center or any center within the ResultsHQ system. Invitations can be customized to restrict available events based on various criteria, such as specific event types or minimum performance standards. You can also require payment and designate a list of duties that participants must select as part of the nomination process. NOTE: The invite screen has been expanded and now includes the following options:
Meet Nominations Options In detail
- Member Caps
- Event Caps
- Age Up
- Performance
- Minimum Attendance Requirements
- Fees
- Extras - Merchandise Sales
- Questions
- Invite
- Bulk Nominations - Force Open Invited Centre - State Admin only
- Duty Roster
- Nominating athletes for your own meet/carnival
- Pull nominations from an invited centre to the host profile (great for visiting athletes)
- Understanding Event Nomination Statuses
- Nominations Result in Calendar View
- Reset your nominations
- Batching the nominations payments
- Sending Payment Request Emails to Families
- Nomination Reporting
- Nomination refund steps
Member Caps
Limit the number of events by Age and Gender. For multi-day meets, the number of events allowed is cumulative for each of the included days. Members will be restricted from selecting more events than the specified limit during the nomination process.
Reset All: This button resets the caps to default values for all age/gender groups.
Event Caps
Limit the number of places for each event by Centre. Members can nominate for the event, but the Centre report will highlight events where nominations exceed the allowed number of participants
Age Up
Changing Age Up settings allows athletes of a younger age group to compete in events of an older age group. During the nomination process, the family will see all age groups for an event that an athlete is eligible for but will only be able to select one age group per event.
Setting an Age Up of one allows athletes to compete up by one age group.
Example: Setting an age up of 1 on a U10 age group event will allow U9 athletes to compete.
- To set or edit the Age Up settings for events within a meet, navigate to the Nomination Setup of your meet (by clicking on the Mail icon alongside your Meet from the Meet Calendar) and click Age Up (the third tab).
- Then, for each event you'd like to set Age Up amounts for, adjust the number in the event's Age Up box accordingly.
- Click 'Save' either from the top or bottom of the Event List.
Set a minimum performance level for each Event/Age/Gender. Members will only be presented with events that they qualify for on the Nomination screens.
Minimum Attendance Requirements
Changing Attendance settings applies eligibility rules on each event and/or age group that members must meet in order to nominate.
To set or edit the Attendance settings within a meet, navigate to the Nomination Setup of your meet (by clicking on the Mail icon alongside your Meet from the Meet Calendar) and click Attendance (the fifth tab).
Attendance Settings:
The attendance settings allow you to refine how you’d like attendance to be measured and apply to all inputs within the Event and Meet Attendance sections.
You can choose to set attendance requirements for members’ participation from the meet’s Home Centre only, or, if other Centres are invited to the meet, you can choose to have these settings apply to their participating members too.
By checking the boxes for Heat, Semi and/or Final, you can limit attendance requirements to just these types of events.
Note: If all boxes are unchecked, the system will apply the minimum attendance requirements to all heat types.
The Cutoff Date sets the latest date/time for athletes to have acquired attendance that can count towards the minimum requirements.
Note: The cutoff date is based on the event/meet date that results are captured for and not the date when the results were entered (as this could be delayed by Centres). Results will have to be recorded in the system before athletes’ attendance within that meet can be counted towards the minimum requirements.
Be sure to click 'Save Attend Settings' to put your settings into effect.
Note: Attendance is tracked in the system based on athletes’ results being recorded, including outcomes of no throw, disqualification etc. The only status that would not be tracked as ‘attended’ is ‘DNS’.
Event Attendance:
Set the requirement for members of each age-group/gender/event-type category to have participated in a minimum number of events in the same event type to be eligible to nominate into each respective event.
Simply enter the minimum attendance number for each event you'd like to set event attendance requirements for and then click 'Save'.
Meet Attendance:
Set the requirement for members of each age group/gender to have participated in a minimum number of meets to be eligible to nominate for an event.
Simply enter the minimum attendance number for each gender/age group you'd like to set meet attendance requirements for and then click 'Save'.
Set all to…:
Use the ‘Set all to...’ dropdown to set all inputs within the Event and Meet Attendance sections to a specific number. Make sure you hit ‘Save’ on the Event Attendance or Meet Attendance section you apply this to.
Setup Athlete and Family charges payable as part of your Nomination. A maximum cap can be set to limit the total fees chargeable per family nomination. Timing Solutions charge a fee for using the service, and transactional fees apply. The Fees page details the charges. Include your bank details for funds to be transferred back to you at the close of nominations (or other agreed periods) minus charges.
Extras - Merchandise Sales
Event menu dropdown > Calendar > Nomination Setup/Invite > Extras tab > Enter settings > Save
Extras are now able to be purchased as a part of the nomination process, with the ability to have extras specific to the nomination process.
Enabling Extras
Setting the “Enable extras during nominations” setting to YES will show an Extras page as a part of the nomination process. The NO option will not display the Extras page, and extras will no be able to be purchased during the nomination, regardless of their status. Only the host centre is able to set extras for the nomination. Extras are not meet specific, and if there are multiple nominations during the same season, the same set of extras will be available across all nominations. If all extras have had their quantities exhausted, the extras page will still show, just with nothing to select.
Display settings
Extras will need to have the Everywhere or Nominations Only display setting set in order to appear in the nomination process. Setting a display to None will not show the extra for purchase. An extra with the Everywhere display setting will be available for purchase in both the registration and nomination process. The quantity will need to be able to cover purchases from both processes. Note: Extras are centre wide, and both the registration setup and nomination setup share the same set of extras. Changes made in either screen will be reflected in both.
The quantity will be reduced only when the payment for the extra has been completed. This will be immediate when paid online, but at the end of the batch process when paid by cash. Because of this, it is possible that the online payments can exhaust the allocation while the cash payments are in the batching process. Once the quantity of an extra reaches 0, it is automatically set to the None display setting.
Extras can be edited or removed at any time. However, any extras that are already part of nomination or registration transactions will show the original name and fee amount when viewed in transaction receipts. This applies to both edits and deletions.
Add custom Questions
Event menu dropdown > Calendar > Nomination Setup/Invite > Questions tab > Enter settings > Save
Questions specific to the meet can now be set, in addition to any centre wide questions set up under Registration > Setup > Questions, and state-level questions.
Questions set up here are meet specific, with each nomination needing to have the meet specific questions set up again. If the nomination is composed of combined meets, the questions will apply to all meets within the nomination. There is no change to the question or response type settings. If a question is edited after responses have been collected, these responses will still apply to the edited question. Responses for deleted will still remain in the background, but it will not be possible to link them to deleted questions.
NOTE: The family can only answer questions once per nomination i.e. if they return to add events to a nomination, they will not be presented with the questions screen again. This is regardless of when questions were added.
Add a custom message to the nomination invite, the standard content is displayed however you can customise the information that follows to share important information with your members about the event nomination. If you have a verified email in your profile all emails will be sent from that address otherwise from
Select whether the nominations are to be accessible in the family area and/or to other Centres that use ResultsHQ. Define your nomination cut off date/time and if you are going to be requiring members to select a family duty in the process. For invited Centres, you can then send the invite email to the membership of those centres either individually centre by centre or as a whole. The email sent date is displayed next to the invited centre. Only members that meet the criteria of your meet will receive an invite email. NOTE - Invites will only work correctly if your meet is set up as a Nominate Only Meet. Make sure this is set in your Meet Options area in your calendar view, before sending the invite.
Bulk Nominations - Force Open Invited Centre - State Admin only
The usual process once an invite is sent to a centre is for that centre to open the nominations either to the centre only or to the centre and family. There maybe certain meets where the state wants to force open the invited centre without waiting for the invited centre to open it themselves.
This can be done but only by a state admin user, by first logging in as state admin user, then go to centre management and access the host centre. Now go the event calendar and access the nomination settings of the meet. Go to the invite tab and scroll down and you will notice an additional dropdown option and a button next to it that says "Update Invited Centre Nominations". You can individually select each centre or select all using the checkboxes and then change the dropdown to Centre only or Centre and family and then click on the Update Invited Centre Nominations which will force open the nominations for those centres. This will also send an email to the super users of those centres indicating that the nomination was opened by a state admin. Do note you may have to wait for a short period after clicking the button for the screen to reload as the email sending process is resource intensive, especially if there are many centres involved.
Duty Roster
When setting up a meet - you can now include a duty roster that can be accessed in the Nomination process by members as they select their events. Additional Duty Rosters can be set up from the More - Duty Roster page.
Nominating athletes for your own meet/carnival
There are three ways to nominate athletes into your program of events for a date. You can do this via the Athlete View (search for an athlete by name or number) or via the full nomination screen which gives you all athletes and possible events or by Event.
Follow these steps to learn where to go:
Option 1 - Athlete View Nominations
1. So to start with go to Events - Calendar
2. Click on the Nominations button next to the Date you're looking to do nominations for
3. To do the Athlete View nominations click on the Athlete View button to open up this new screen
4. Start typing the name or number of athlete your looking for. Then click on view against their name to see their nomination
5. Click on the View button next to the athlete of interest to see their nominated events. You can then remove or add them to events with the tick boxes. Not the moment you tick or un-tick it saves, you can however press update if you prefer after you have changed the nominations.
Option 2 - Nominations Matrix:
1. Using the full nomination screen gives you more data to look at, but this can be too much, so use the filters to show the required, age/gender, club information you're looking for. The Reset Filters button will remove the Age/Gender?club filters you have selected.
2. If your screen is not wide enough the athlete # and name will follow you across the screen.
Hint good way to scroll sideways is to use your Shift key and your mouse scroll wheel at the same time.
3. There is an All column, this will allow you to nominate/de-nominate all available events for that athlete. Otherwise, tick or un-tick the individual events for an athlete. Note the moment you tick or un-tick a check box the system is saving as you go. there is no "save" button as a result.
4. You can do mass changes if you need to via the Nominate Visible and Denominate All buttons. These are not able to be reversed if you do them as an accident. They will pop up with an "Are you Sure!?" message just to make sure you know what you are about to do.
Option 3 - Event Nominations:
1. Go to Calendar.
2. Click on the View button for the meet you want to add nominations for.
3. Change the view of the Meet page to List view then click on the Nominations button beside the event that you want to add nominations to.
4. Add the athletes that you want to nominate into the meet - note if your screen shows all athletes already nominated then you need to denominate all first before proceeding with this method.
Pull nominations from an invited centre to the host profile (great for visiting athletes)
If you need to pull members across from an invited centre to a host centre, you can do this via the following steps.
This process was set up to make it easier for the host or organise their members without needing the invited centre to participate in the process. Note that the member details that come across are only the minimum details for results entry. There are no personal details like address, passwords etc.
Once a member is a part of your centre profile they are available for other event dates too.
1. Go to Calander View and click on the Envelope
2. Turn on the invite centre option for your given date
3. Choose the appropriate centre to invite and press submit
4. Click on the Event Registration
5. Search for the athlete by part name or number. Then press view next to the athlete you want to import
6. You can also tick their nominated events with these tick boxes
Understanding Event Nomination Statuses
All event nominations submitted by families or their centres are progressed through the nomination process with various statuses marking the position within the process. These statuses are listed below:
- Preselected:
The family has preselected an event for their Associated Centre's review. No payment for the preselected event has been made. This is only relevant for events that have Event Caps with Preselection being enabled as a result. To find out more about Event Caps and Preselection, click here.
- Pending or Payment Pending:
- The family's Associated Centre has progressed their preselection event to 'Nominated' status. The family should be notified via email via Status Manager but has not yet paid.
- A family or centre has nominated a member for a regular event (i.e. not a preselection event) but the event has not yet been paid for. This could be because the family has selected to pay Cash at the time of nomination, which has not yet been marked received by the Centre and then batched to and received by Timing Solutions.
- Nominated
Payment has been received for an event and any cash received transactions have been handled by the centre and paid to Timing Solutions. This confirms the nomination and the event nomination becomes available for the Host Centre to Accept or Decline.
- Accepted
The Host Centre has officially Accepted the nomination. This marks confirmation of an athlete being fully registered to compete in an event.
Sending Payment Request Emails to Families
All Unpaid transactions listed in Status Manager can now easily be followed up on with the Send Payment Request feature.
To send a Payment Request notification, containing a direct link to pay for an unpaid transaction, to a family, navigate to the Status Manager (click 'Registrations' dropdown menu > 'Status Manager').
From the 'Unpaid' tab, you'll see a list of all unpaid transactions. Check the checkbox against any transaction you'd like to send a payment request for, or check the first checkbox in the table header to select all transactions [see number 1 in the below image]. Once you've made your selection, click the 'Send Payment Request' button [see number 2 in the below image]. A browser pop-up will ask you to confirm before it triggers the email to all associated families.
Each email contains a unique link for the family to pay their outstanding fees (from within that transaction) securely via credit card or via PayPal, or to mark that they'll pay with Cash/EFT.
Once you've sent a payment request email for a transaction, it will be marked with an envelope icon [see number 3 in the below image]. You can send follow-up payment request emails for the same transaction simply by repeating the above steps. Hovering over the envelope icon will provide the latest date in which a payment request was sent for that transaction.
TIP: Use the Search and Filter tool [pictured above] to filter unpaid transactions. Then, by clicking the first checkbox to select all transactions, you can easily send out payment request emails for all unpaid registration transactions before the start of the season, or all unpaid nomination transactions for one particular meet.
Nominations Result in Calendar View
In your calendar view, you might notice one of these which tells you there are results available from one or more of your athletes attending a meet outside of your normal profile. It will let you view and use this information for PBs, Crs, PB and or Points.
NOTE - If you want any away results to be available in the results pool for your athletes you need to accept these results into your centre profile.
1. View Results - If you want to just view the results click on the View icon (eyeball). This will let you scan through the results and places for just your athletes.
2. Include Results - to include these meet date results in your centre results in schedule select the Include Meet Results. This will also then open up the options below in step 3.
If you have opted to include these results in your centre, you will not see them on your home page, but you can continue to view the results via the View icon (eyeball). Also, the results are available via Reports - Report Builder. The family by default with or with you accepting these results will be visible in their portal
If you accidentally pressed include but didn't mean to, go back to the calendar page and click on Exclude results to reset it.
3. Options to select and then save - you now have the following 4 options to Exclude from this meet - note the default is to include all, hence the Exclude is set to No. Once you have confirmed what you want to exclude or not, then press Save. If you do not want to include any of this either exit this screen without saving anything or change them all to Exclude = Yes and then save.
- Included PB's - If you want to include the results and use them as PB benchmarks you need to leave this exclude = No
- Included CR's - If you want to use these results are CRs then leave this as exclude = No. They will become available in the Report Builder and in the Reports - Centre Record list too.
- Include Points - If you want these results to count towards your points then set this to exclude = No
- Centre record type - as this meet is an away meet you have the option for #2 to set it as away records or home records etc.
4. The date will be visible in your report builder, leaderboard, calculate screen with and * to indicate it's not a normal part of your calendar
If you need to turn anything off and remove it from your calendar, just go back to step 2 or 3 and remove the option as required.
5. If you have records that need to be accepted for this meet date into your own centre's records you can do this via the View icon
6. Then find the relevant event and view the results
7. Then make the appropriate result a CR
Reset your nominations
If you have nominations set up, but you have either forgotten to denominate all-athlete while setting up the event or accidentally nominated all-athlete some other way. Then follow these steps to see how to reset your athlete's true nominated events, instead of everyone being in every event.
- Go to Event - Calendar
2. Click on the nominations icon
3. On your nominations page you will see all-athlete nominated for all events...which is what we are about to undo.
4. Denominate All the athletes - and accept the "are you sure?" step by keying the word ALL in capitals
5. Now go to Event - Calendar - and click on the envelope icon this time
6. On the Invite tab, scroll down and click on the Person icon
7. Then click on the Decline all Members button - and OK to the alert
8. Now Accept All Members - and OK the alert
Now all of the athletes that have been nominated, the system will only have their nominated events showing/ticked and everyone else will not have any ticks against their names.
Batching the nominations payments
The following Sunday after your event date, the system will automatically batch up your payments and it will include this in the next weeks batch for payments.
Please note this will only work if you have verified your nominated bank account. Please allow 5 business days for funds to be received.
Nomination Reporting
ResultsHQ nominations include some useful reporting so you can keep on top of your event nominations as they are happening.
Host Centre
If you are hosting an event that you are using Nominations for, then you can access live information on nominations.
1. Select Calendar:
2. Select the Invite button for the Meet Date in question:
3. From the list of Invited Centres a summary number of members is displayed, with further detail available from the Global (red highlighted) or Centre (blue highlighted) buttons.
4. Clicking the View Members button displays a full list of members that have been nominated for each event in the program. The ability to Accept/Reject the nomination is also present in this report. (Names have been removed from the screen image)
5. The View Report button displays only the accepted members with a Member Event Summary and Meet Manager .csv export of the confirmed nominations to be generated.
6. Nomination Summary Report example
7. Meet Manager Export example
8. Print a copy of the Reports:
In the event that you would like to print a copy of any of the reports, depending on the browser you are using right-click and select print or go to File-Print in the Browser menu.
Invited Centre
If you are an invited centre then you can access live information on nominations:
1. Select Calendar - Invite Button:
2. From the meet in question - access to the nominations is available with a full report:
3. Report Sample:
4. Nomination Summary Sample:
5. Print a copy of the Reports:
In the event that you would like to print a copy of any of the reports, depending on the browser you are using right-click and select print or go to File-Print in the Browser menu.
ResultsHQ nominations provide excellent visibility over your Athletes event nominations at all stages of the process. If you have any further questions please contact us at
Nomination refund steps
To refund a single or mass refund follow these steps, note the refund can take up to 5 business days before the amount will show on their card or in their account. If their card has since been cancelled, the bank will hold onto their money till they claim it from their bank.
1. Go to Registration - Status Manager
2. Search for the family/athlete and click on the T#
3. Scroll down to the Refund button
4. Then OK the warning
5. Now go back to the Status manager screen and you will see the Refund tab with your athlete/s and events. This means it is now up to Timing Solutions to get this refund complete.
1. Go to Event - Calendar
2. Click on the envelope
3. Select the Fees tab - scroll down to the Refund All tab
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