These steps assume that you have already set up a meet date. If you have not please do so before attempting the following steps.
NOTE - if you want the invited centres to be able to edit nominations from their families, then enable the Member Caps. Otherwise, nomination from families will not be able to be nominated.
Please make sure you have this setting enabled "Nomination Only Meet" set to yes
Inviting External Centres
Go to Event - Calendar
Then click on the Envelope icon
To invite other centres to your meet, or create external nominations, you must select YES to “Invite Centres” from the Invite tab of the meet’s Nomination Setup and then click Save.
All available centres to invite will then appear in the scroll boxes below.
Note: External Centres must be in the same season as the Host Centre to be available for the invitation.
- Box 1 - State levels: Allows you to select one or more state levels to filter the results in the next two boxes.
- Box 2 - Region levels: This allows you to select one or more region levels to filter down in the next box.
- Box 3 - Centre levels: This allows you to select one or more centres to invite.
TIP: Hold down Control to select multiple items in one box.
Once you’ve selected all the centres you’d like to invite, click the Submit button.
Note: this action will NOT yet notify the invited centres, so you’ll be able to make changes if you’ve made a mistake. You can invite additional centres at any time.
Opening Nominations for Invited Centres
After submitting the form, you’ll see an updated list of all the centres invited to participate in the meet below. By default, Nominations will be set to ‘Closed’ for all centres until you update this. When you’re ready, you can either:
- use the Nominations dropdown for each centre to set their nominations to Open one at a time
- you can update all centres’ Nominations to Open by using the ‘Update all’ dropdown at the top right of the Invited Centres list.
NOTE - Invites will only work correctly if your meet is set up as a Nominate Only Meet. Make sure this is set in your Meet Options area in your calendar view, before sending the invite.
Step 6 - Notifying Invited Centres
Once you’ve opened nominations for the Invited Centres, you’re ready to notify them. Again, you can either send notification emails to individual centres (via each centre’s Action dropdown), or, you can send all centres a notification email at once by clicking the mail icon in the top right of the Invited Centres table.
Note: Sending nomination notifications to invited centres will notify only the Super Users of those centres, however all Invited Centre users with access to the Meet Calendar will be able to see the Nomination Invite from the Nomination Invites screen.
Step 7 - Managing Nominations Access
As the Host Centre, you’ll be able to adjust the Nomination Access for your centre from the same Invited Centres table. The Host Centre will always appear at the top of the list.
Nomination Accesses:
- Closed: No nomination modification available. Invited centres can still view nomination reports.
- Centre Only: Centre can nominate eligible members. Invited centres can only nominate members from within their centre.
- Centre and Family: 'Centre Only' access AND families will also see the meet available for nomination in their profile and can nominate themselves.
External Invited Centres have full control over their centre’s ‘Nominations Access’ as soon as the Host Centre has marked their ‘Nominations’ as ‘Open’. Invited Centres manage the Nomination Invite (including updating their Nominations Access, reviewing and adding Fees, sending Family Notifications and managing their Members’ Nominations and Teams) from the Nomination Invites screen (found by clicking on the Nomination Invites button at the top right of the Meet Calendar). While the Invited Centres’ Nominations Access is always visible to the Host Centre from the Invite tab, the only way the Host Centre can override an Invited Centre’s Access is to set their ‘Nominations’ to ‘Closed’. If the invited centre notifies their families of the nominations, the date of the notification will also appear. Families will be able to see that there are nominations for a meet at any time, but will only be able to perform nominations themselves if the access is set to “Centre and Family” by the Invited centre. Click here to find out more about Invited Centres Managing Nomination Invites.
Note: Host centres should be aware that age group cut off dates may vary slightly between centres and any participating member’s age group will always be based on their own centre’s record using their own cut off dates. This could, therefore, result in members from an invited centre participating in events above or below the age group that the host centre would’ve classified them in.
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