As your school is using meet manager, you have the possible option of getting your Meet Manager to talk to our timing software RaceHQ. This is only possible if your Meet Manager has the extra functionality enabled, to let it interface with Photo Finish. This is normally an extra that you have paid for, it is not a normal default option. To see if your version is enabled try these steps - Meet Manager Integration Steps
If it turns out your Meet manager is not able to talk to Photo Finish, then we will resort to printing off the blank, lane/time/place tickets like in this article - Just timing - no names or points. The ticket will be handed off to your results person race by race, to allow them to key the times into Meet Manager.
Note our alternative to Meet Manager is ResultsHQ. So you get all the benefits of our integrated ecosystem - ResultsHQ - House Points, Age Champion Carnival Setup, and then at the end of the day, export a Meet Manager nomination file out of ResultsHQ, to pass on your progressing athletes to the next level of competition.
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