You have two options to assign tags to athletes. the first is for smaller volume athletes and tags as you do this in the software, versus the second option is to do this via an excel import.
1. Smaller volume tags - This is a quick video to show you how to assign new or existing athletes with a new RFID tag using RaceHQ 3.20.30 or newer.
2. Excel import for large volume - this uses your hardware to read your new tags and then excel to assign those tags to your list of athletes, then import the athletes from your excel template - here
Loading RFID tags into ResultsHQ in bulk
- Log into ResultsHQ Centre Admin area
- Go to the Settings - Member List
- Export out the member list to csv or excel
- Open up the exported member list in excel
- Go to the column called RFID
- The four-digit code printed on the RFID tag needs to have this string added to the front on it 3000300833b2ddd90140 e.g. tag that has 3456 printed on it should be written into the RFID column as 3000300833b2ddd901403456, tag 1224 will be put into the RFID column as 3000300833b2ddd901401224 etc
- These tags 3456 and 1224 need to be physically given to the athletes who now have the RFID string you allocated them
- As the tags provided to you are in sequential order, you will be able to quickly combine the 3000300833b2ddd90140 with the tag ID number and then copy this into the RFID column
- Once your tags have been assigned correctly to your athletes, you can then save the file and import it back into ResultsHQ via this link -
Adding/editing RFID numbers one at a time
- Using the member edit steps located here
- Add in the same 3000300833b2ddd90140 plus the tag number into the RFID cell in the member view screen
- Then press save
Using the RFID scanner with RaceHQ
- Make sure the RFID scanner is installed and known to the laptop you are using for the timing application
- Plugin the RFID scanner and make sure the red light appears
- Open the timing application and go to the settings and then the peripherals tab.
- Turn on the RFID Scanning option and choose the appropriate com port...making sure the green dot appears
- Make sure you have recently performed a Refresh with ResultsHQ in your web tab (this will bring down all the known RFID tags for each member)
- Run your races and scan the members RFID tag for the corresponding will hear a fast beeping noise when you get close enough to the tag (5-15 cm away)
- The positive ID of the member's Name, Age, Gender should appear along with any PBs and Centre Record flags.
- If you don't see a name, age, gender appears but instead a long number at the bottom of the timing screen, this means, the Tag is not known to RacdeHQ, and most probably ResultsHQ (providing you did a refresh recently with ResultsHQ)...just enter the member's id number on their chest (not the RFID tag number) or start typing their first and then the last name
- If you don't get any beeping as you scan a tag and the red light is on, this means you must not have selected the correct com port from the available com ports in your peripherals settings area. Reselect another port and try scanning another tag.
Let us know if you have any questions via
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