Using RaceHQ Bib Printing app
Printer specification:
- Laser
- Black (it only needs black other colours are not necessary)
- Manual paper feed tray or the ability to allow envelope-size paper into the tray
- Set the paper size in your print settings to be A5
Note - If your athlete number is not printing or is on the second page, try putting in -200 or 200 into the "Left" field.
1. To download the HERE
2. Open RaceHQ
3. Open up the settings window
4. Click on Login to give the app a wake-up, then put in your username and password (if it's not already remembered) and hit Log in again. You should see the member count and season information update.
5. Confirm you have the correct printer selected via the printer tab
6. Then press Finish
7. Now select the Barcode option from the menu of applications
8. Select the Age/s, Gender/s and Club/s you wish to print or use the search function to find someone particular
9. This should show all the athletes that have not been printed yet. If you want to see every (printed previously or not) un-tick the "Hide previously printed members"
- Most importantly, place a tick in the checkbox to the right of the members that you would like to print a barcode for. Tick the checkbox in the heading to select all of the athletes in your search criteria, and vice versa to unselect all.
10. Then select the type of printing you want and if you want barcodes or not displayed
A. A4 Avery Label, 3 x 8 to a page. Avery software code J8159
B. LAVic Bib print; one member name, age, barcode to a page/bib
C. Dymo printer; roll of barcodes - 11354
11. To preview what it will look like click on the Preview option
12. Print using the print button...good idea to do a single test first. Then when you are happy, you can do it small batches
Note: Based on your testing, you can add adjustments to the margins, either positive (eg 200 moves print up and left) or negative (eg -200 moves print down and right). Adjust the number as required until you are spot on.
If your athlete number is not printing or is on the second page, try putting in -200 or 200 into the "Left" field.
What is the Dymo Label number to buy to work with TS?
Hi, as per the note in the article - C. Dymo printer; roll of barcodes - 11354
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