To update the fields in your program using the excel export and import function follow these steps. This is helpful for event order, program time and the Information field.
1. Go to Event - Calendar
2. Find the event date you want to edit or an event date you want to copy and reapply to another date.
3. Click on the Export to CSV button
4. Once it exports you can edit the required fields. Not with the time format to make sure it is populated and it is the same formatting as what was in there already. The default time is midnight, and this should not show up on the recording sheet if this is the time on the field.
5. If you are going to re-import this meet into the same date as you exported it you will need to delete that date and all the events form your calendar. If you have ANY results they will ALSO BE DELETED...So make sure you are only deleting what you do not want to see again. Hence we have the two Are you sure...Are you sure you're sure messages?
To delete a meet date click on the red rubbish bin
Then accept the two ARE YOU SURE messages...again you can be potentially deleting results you want to keep. So make sure you are deleting the correct date etc.
6. Now its time to add a new meet date and apply the excel import file. Click on the + button to add the new date
7. Give the meet its name and description and date, then click on the Import button
8. Then click on the Choose file and find your import template, then press open
9. Your file will then import all your data
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