Tip: If you would like to include Event Rules on your Recording Sheets, please read the instructions in section Event Rules
Creating your Recording Sheets
1. Once logged into your ResultsHQ profile, click on the Events - Recording forms
2. Within the Recording Sheet creation screen select the appropriate details of the Recording Forms that you would like to produce - see below points for details on what each field means
- Meet Date: Select the Meet Date that you would like to produce recording forms for. By default, the 'next' meet date will be selected
Note: You will need to have set up your Meet Dates!
- Event Categories & Event Type; Narrow down the list of Events that are on this Meet Date into Track/Field and even Walks, Distance, Hurdles, Sprints, Throws and Jumps etc
- Event List: Select the Events for which you would like to produce recording sheets. Use the Ctrl and/or Shift key to select multiple
Note: You will need to have added a Program Template to your Meet Date to have any Events available here!
- Age List: Select the Age Groups which you would like to print out.
Note: Only age groups that have been set up for each event in your Meet Date will be produced. You will also need Members in your system
- Gender: Choose to produce either Male or Female, or Both sets of recording sheets
- Add Blank Rows: If you are at the beginning of your season you may wish to add a set number of blank rows to the bottom of your recording sheets for each event. Choose the number of blank rows here
- Sheet Type: Choose to produce 'Condensed' recording sheets which have multiple events across the page
- Sheet Ordering: Select whether you would like for sheets to print out in Age group order, or in Event order (and then age group within the event)
- Member Order: Choose the default row/member ordering method. You can adjust and refine this once you get to the Preview screen if required
Printing Your Recording Sheets
- Once you are happy with the settings for your Recording Sheets, press Print Preview, except if you are printing High Jump in which case you should select Print Preview High Jump (these will print in landscape alignment)
- The Recording Forms will be displayed on the screen such as below.
Printing Your Recording Sheets
To Print the recording forms, right click your mouse on the screen and select Print.
Depending on the browser that you are using (Google Chrome is recommended) the print option may be located elsewhere. The recording forms can be produced in PDF or printed directly to the printer connected to your computer. Recording Sheets will print one event per page.
Below you can see the Print function that appears in a Google Chrome browser
Changing the Member Order in your Recording Sheets
The order that Member appears in your Recording Sheets can be changed by you, depending on the way that you prefer this to occur. You can sort by:
- Member ID
- First name
- Surname
- Personal Best Result
You can make your default selection from the main selection screen of the recording sheets
Advanced filtering:
- From within the Print Preview view of the recording sheets you can filter your recording sheets by multiple variables; this is often useful if you have customised Age Groups (eg. U11/U12 boys and girls) and you wish to sort the recording sheet first by Gender, and then by PB (example only, there are many combinations)
- Simply select the first 'Sort by' variable and then the second 'Then by' variable and press Sort
- In the below example we have filtered by Gender ascending and then PB Ascending
Note: Your results entry can also be filtered in any of the above methods by clicking the appropriate column headings
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