This help topic covers the following headings:
Setting up an age-gender event Handicaps
To set up a time or distance handicap follow these steps:
1. Go to Event - Calendar
2. Click on the view button for the relevant date
3. Click on the List button
4. Find the event you want to set up or edit and click on the stopwatch icon
5. Once in this screen you can see a number of options to export, import but also calculate Handicap (HC) by Distance (the fastest runner starts at full distance, slower runners are running a shorter distance) or Time (the fastest runner is the last to start, the slower runners start earlier).
6.1 HC Distance - to see what the potential race time will be click on the Calculate Potential...this will give you the best guess of the fastest time for the event even with handicaps ran. This time is based on the best time for that age-gender group. In this example, Kate is the fastest with a PB of 14.41
6.2 To then let the formula work out the distances each athlete should be starting from the press the Calculate Dist HC button...this lets to set the distance increments to be the nearest X.XX metres. IN this case, its default is 0.25m
If we change the distance to be ever 1m it will look like this
6.3 You can then massage the distance manually, you can also dial up other events PB/Average from the drop-down to the left of the wave to see what they are capable of at other distances. Then press Save when you are finished.
7.1 To calculate Time HC press the button and see what it produces based on the parameters available. The wavenumber relates to which grouping that athlete will be in based on the parameters. As we can see below the fastest and last wave to leave is wave #7 and they are off at start plus 1 min 59 sec. The wave before this is wave #6 off at 1 min 58
7.2 We can see the slowest runners at the bottom of the list look like this and that the wave order is jumbled as the name list is sorted in PB order, but the parameters for this HC require the last three attempts. So the last three attempts give us a different order to their PB.
The Slowest runner is off at 7 seconds...the unknown athlete (no results as yet) is off at zero, but you can change that to whatever you like.
7.3 You can edit and massage the wavenumber and time as required. Then press saves once you are happy with it.
8.1 To print the wave and HC click on the Print Marshalling Sheet button.
8.2 Depending on if you are using the Time or Distance HC the sheet will give you the relevant information...
Using the Time HC
Using the Distance HC
9. If you are using RaceHQ then the HC Time data will be available to use via this functionality in RaceHQ - RaceHQ Time/Wave Handicap
Handicap Logic
ResultsHQ has two different Handicap (HC) formulae built into it for calculating Time and Distance HC values for athletes. Here is the description of the formulae used:
Timed HC:
Get X amount of latest results.
Calculate the difference between each result and the best result for that event
Subtract the difference from the backmarker value
Round up or down to the nearest X second.
Take the average of X results for final HC time.
Dist HC:
Get the best athlete speed based on event distance and best PB
Get the difference between the athlete speed and the best athlete speed
Calculate the start difference based on the speed difference
Setting Up Global Handicap
To set up handicaps for all athletes and all track events follow these steps:
1. Go to Event Calendar
2. Click on view for that particular week
3. Click on the Handicap setup button
4. In here you have a few options. You can choose to edit the global Time Handicap settings in here
5. The Global HC settings screen lets you edit the different relevant events one by one and update them. Whatever the settings are in here they will be set to all those events for that week.
6. To apply these settings to all your events go back to the Handicap Setup screen and click on the Assign All TimeHC Values. This will then apply everything in the Global settings to your athletes for those events on that date only.
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