This topic will give everything you need to know about results entry. Note you can bypass this entry method by using CompetitionHQ instead.
Quick Method for Results Entry
Your web browser (Google Chrome is recommended) has the ability to have multiple web pages open at any one time; these are represented by tabs across the top of the web browse, each representing a separate page that has been opened. By using this feature of the web browser, you can make your results entry much more efficient.
1. Navigate to the Events list of your Meet date as per below. You will keep this web page open in a separate tab for the entire day while you enter results
2. However your mouse over one of the events that you need to enter results for. Right-click on your mouse to bring up a list of options. Select; Open Link in New Tab
3. A new tab will appear in your web browser with the particular event that you selected. Note: The original web page - which has the list of events for the day - is still open on a separate tab. You can easily move between the two by clicking on each tab.
4. Enter your results for the event that you opened, and press Save Changes when complete
5. Close this tab, and you will now be left with the original web page of the list of events for the date
6. Repeat the process
Note: You can have multiple events open in your web browser, eg. You may choose to open up each High Jump event and then enter them in one tab at a time
Results Entry Process
1. On the Home page scroll down to the dates listed lower on the page

6. Press Edit All to be able to enter results against each member. The screen will change to appear as per the below screenshot.

Note: Positions within age groups, PBs, Centre Records will be updated as you enter or save results.
Anomaly warning: You will be prompted if a Centre Record has been broken, and will be required to approve. You will also be prompted if a result has been entered that is above or below the average result of that Member by 25% - this is to protect from incorrect keystrokes.
Allow Countback for field events
To turn on and use the countback feature in ResultsHQ follow these steps.
1. Go to Setup - Profile details
2. Scroll down to the bottom and turn on the Count back option
3. Go back to your results entry screen for a field event (High Jump is an easy one to get equal results), and key in your results. Here all athletes didn't make it past 0.95m. When I press the Save changes button I get a new option
4. The options now ask me how many attempts each user had at the tied height (0.95m)
5. So I put in how many attempts that was, two athletes had the same number being one at this 0.95m height...and it shows me another field for me to enter more information failures including at that height
6. So I key in the total and then press accept results
7. Now when I return the completed results entry I can see the places reflect this extra information, even though the heights are the same.
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